Blog post bombs of 2020 with The Talking Greenkeeper

Joe Gulotti joined me to go through the list of blog posts that got the fewest views on the ATC website in 2020. There was turf tourism, turf hacks, soil sampling, photosynthetically active radiation, four wheelers, and a lot of turf talk as we went through the list.

  1. To get the ATC blog by email:
  2. We discussed this post:
  3. The Talking Greenkeeper podcast:
  4. Follow Joe Gulotti on Twitter:
  5. We discussed a recent ATC Office Hours with Richard Forsyth:
  6. And a recent ATC Doublecut with Brian Whitlark:
  7. The Global DLI app, to find the past year of photosynthetically active radiation anywhere in the world, is at:

Creators and Guests

Micah Woods
Micah Woods
I'm chief scientist at the Asian Turfgrass Center and director of the @paceturf information service. Some current projects include #OM246, #ClipVol, and #MLSN.
Joe Gulotti
Joe Gulotti
Joe is a GCS who decided he might be better at talking about growing grass than actually growing it, so he decided to start a podcast where he has conversations with industry insiders about managing playing surfaces for the game of golf . The podcast is titled The Talking Greenkeeper and can be found on most podcast hosting platforms.
Blog post bombs of 2020 with The Talking Greenkeeper
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