P fertilizer & Poa, the #MLSN time issue, and #ClipVol annual totals
In this episode, I discuss sixteen year old bentgrass greens that have also gone sixteen years without P fertilizer. The greens are also free of Poa annua. Then I discuss how fertilizer recommendations made from soil tests are a lot more precise if the time duration over which the fertilizer is being recommended is considered explicitly. And I explain why, when measuring #ClipVol, you will get value from annual totals too.
- P & Poa with Bob Raley is this post https://www.asianturfgrass.com/post/no-poa-after-16-years/ and this video https://youtu.be/s90tIstilbw
- The time component of #MLSN post is https://www.asianturfgrass.com/post/the-time-component-of-soil-test-interpretation/
- The annual clipping yield post is https://www.asianturfgrass.com/post/the-annual-and-year-to-date-yield/ and links to this video https://youtu.be/8DdekceL9jE
- Read more about all kinds of turfgrass topics at https://www.asianturfgrass.com/
- Get ATC newsletters at https://www.asianturfgrass.com/newsletter/
- Turfgrass information and decision-making tools at https://www.paceturf.org/
- PACE Turf YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/paceturf
- ATC's YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/asianturfgrasscenter
More about ATC soil tests at https://www.asianturfgrass.com/project/soil-tests/
Creators and Guests

Micah Woods
I'm chief scientist at the Asian Turfgrass Center and director of the @paceturf information service. Some current projects include #OM246, #ClipVol, and #MLSN.