Bjarni Hannesson
Course manager at Golfklubbur Mosfellsbæjar (GMos) in Iceland, Turf Grass Consultant, Turf Nerd and father of three
Appears in 4 Episodes
Using turf math, mg/kg, ppm, and fertilizer rates, with Bjarni Hannesson
Bjarni Hannesson joined me to discuss parts per million (ppm) and how that measure of nutrients in the soil can be expressed as a fertilizer rate, and vice versa. This...

Turf Math with Bjarni Hannesson and Jason Haines
We discussed the ease of metric units and the utility of knowing some key numbers in turfgrass maintenance.We discussed this post: https://www.asianturfgrass.com/post/...

Growth potential of turfgrass, the link to actual growth, and a further connection to N fertilizer with Bjarni Hannesson
Bjarni Hannesson has been using the temperature-based turfgrass growth potential (GP) for ten years. We discussed how he makes use of it in Iceland, and how the GP can...

Turfgrass in Iceland, frost, 24 hours of golf, and #MLSN with Bjarni Hannesson
Bjarni Hannesson joined me on a late summer day from Reykjavik to discuss turfgrass management in Iceland and the surprising number of golf rounds played at courses in...