Bill Kreuser, PhD
Turf Management Researcher, Educator & Consultant | Inventor of GreenKeeper App | Former UNL professor, extension specialist & golf course superintendent.
Appears in 4 Episodes
What every greenkeeper should know about sand in clippings with Dr. Bill Kreuser
Bill Kreuser from GreenKeeper joined me to discuss how much grass grows, the complicated problems involved when sand is mixed with clippings, growth regulator adjustme...

How many hours until the grass wilts? Predicting soil water content with Dr. Bill Kreuser
Bill Kreuser, Ph.D., president of GreenKeeper, joined me to discuss the new water resource planning tools in GreenKeeper, along with disease risk, PGRs, soil surfactan...

Wetting agent re-application intervals by growing degree days (GDD) with Bill Kreuser
Can soil surfactant (wetting agent) applications be scheduled based on site temperatures? Can a growing degree day model work for this? Dr. Bill Kreuser, president of ...

Turfgrass growth rate and plant growth regulators with Bill Kreuser
Bill Kreuser joined to answer all the questions I could think of related to plant growth regulators (PGR). We discussed re-application intervals based on growing degre...